Who are you? Not what do you do, not what have you accomplished, but who are you? This is a question that some people will have to look at and decide on for themselves. It’s not always easy to know exactly who you are, but if you look deep down, we will all be able to figure out what that is. This episode of the Overcomer’s Podcast is about you, your thoughts, your emotions, and your journey through 2022. We’re gonna discuss some ideas to make it your best year yet.

What are you grateful for? Is it your family? Your job? Are you thankful for the fact that you are happy often enough? The strength to help push through the hard times? What about just your freedom or your life? Taking the time to think about what you’re thankful for is a sure-fire way to make yourself much happier in life. It’s always good to know what you really have, what you want, and where you’re currently at.

We sit down together in this episode and go over the 10 Forms of Wealth, along with the rest of a workbook that is used to help create a roadmap, something Todd Durkin has sent me every year since we’ve known each other. I’ve used it to help myself focus, and to really sit down and see how you feel and what I think. It helps you organize your thoughts and feelings, and will allow you to start taking steps towards your goals.

I hope that sitting down and going through these worksheets together will help you evaluate your life, what you want, how you feel, what you’re grateful for, and everything else that is important to you. It’s always good to start planning out what you want and taking the steps towards those goals. Looking at your life and seeing what you really want can only help you move in the direction that you want, and I’m glad that I can help be a part of it.

Thank you all for being a part of this family. We are grateful to have you here with us!

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