Pete Holman is many things, a national taekwondo champion, a physical therapist, a certified strength and conditioning specialist, an international presenter, an author, and an inventor.

You may wonder how one man can do so many things, but he is able to do all of this and more.

Not only has he found the drive to do all of this, but he has done so at the hands of adversity, overcoming obstacles again and again.

Pete grew up in Colorado, and in 1997 he won the National Taekwondo Championship, leading the team to victory. In the same year he graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in Physical Therapy. With this degree he started a career at the exceptionally renowned Aspen Sports Medicine Clinic. He then opened up his own private practice in 2001. He invented the TRX Rip Trainer, the Nautilus Glute Drive, and several other fitness products. He’s worked with professional athletes and coaches from the MLB, NFL, NBA, UFC, the X-Games, and the Sun Energy1 Race Car Team. While doing all of this he found time to be a presenter for IDEA FIT, as well as writing for several other journals and websites. To this day he continues to invent, innovate, and inspire.


Pete believes that if we truly want something that we will go out and get it. Adversity in your life is what gives you strength, allows you to overcome, and what lets you know that what you want is worth getting. He believes that the best things in your life will come through hard work and sacrifice, and Pete has lived up to these words time and time again throughout his life.


Being an Overcomer is about facing adversity and becoming the best of what you can be. Pete is definitely the best version of himself. Not only is he a National Taekwondo Champion, he is a physical therapist, certified strength and conditioning specialist, international presenter, and an inventor. His achievements include the invention of several fitness products including the TRX rip trainer that we use at Journey. He has also trained countless athletes and inspired many as a fitness presenter.

Pete was adopted, his adoptive parents divorced, his mother then entered into a homosexual relationship in the 1970’s, a time where that wasn’t as accepted as it is now. Before becoming a national Taekwondo champ he was bullied. In his late teens he was using drugs and unmotivated. He overcame all of this to become the person he is today.

Pete tells us what it takes to become everything you want to be. It’s about evolving, it’s about finding yourself, it’s about overcoming your weakness, it’s about the process. He may be a Taekwondo champion, but his greatest fights he ever won were within himself.

When you listen to this episode you will learn:

  • Bullying, and how it doesn’t have to bring you down or define you.

  • How you can use your experiences to shape yourself how you want.

  • Evolution through adversity. Turning your adversity to your advantage.

  • Failure doesn’t have to remain a failure, it’s all a learning experience.

  • Knowing your weak and strong points, and using both to your advantage.

  • Learning how to work a process. Dedication and hard work will lead you where you want to be.

Thank you, Pete, for being with us and sharing your Journey. You can follow Pete at:


4:25 – 6:57

Were you ever bullied? Pete Holman talks about his experiences as a child with being bullied; trying to understand the world, himself, and what it means to be a “man;” and some life-changing wisdom that he received from a school janitor.

7:50 – 9:06

How do you let your experiences shape you? Pete Holman talks about how some people take their bad experiences and use them to turn them into the people that they want to be. He tells us that, no matter what, it’s all about mindset. Bad things can happen to you, but it’s up to you to turn them into something good.

10:47 – 11:43

Adversity is how you evolve. Pete Holman tells us about how everything that he’s ever strived for, everything good that he’s ever gained in his life was done at the hands of adversity. From his career to his family, the best things in his life came with hard work and sacrifice.

13:40 – 14:29

Pete Holman tells us about a turning point in his life that happened in his Junior year of high school. A coach presented Pete with an ultimatum and he rose to the occasion. He decided that he wasn’t going to waste anymore time, he was going to start training.

17:51 – 18:43

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be successful? Have you ever wondered what it takes to reach your goals? Pete Holman reminds us that it’s always good to know that we have different developmental abilities when we’re adolescents, but through patience, hard work, dedication and perseverance we can get to where we want to be.

21:05 – 22:12

Experiencing failure. Pete Holman experienced failure when creating his first product. Everything that could fall apart, did. He tells us how he turned this failure into a learning experience. He used all this experience to go on to create even more products, and, inevitably, succeed.

27:23 – 28:45

Do you ever think of your weak points? What about your strong points? Pete Holman talks about how even though we may have weak points, we all have strong points, too. That it’s not always about being the biggest, the fastest, or the strongest; it’s about being the best problem solver, and that we can all do a lot more than we give ourselves credit for.

42:58 – 43:33

“It’s all about the process.” Pete Holman tells us that immersing yourself in what you want to be good at, to achieve your goals, that it is most certainly all about the process. He woke up everyday, and he proceeded to do what he needed to do to achieve his dreams.

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