Travis Chappell grew up in Lancaster, California. A place right next to LA County. He grew up on a campus that was populated by a large community of Fundamental Baptists. A community that was no more than 1 thousand at the time and is now 70 thousand strong. As it grew, they added other features, like a college. Travis got his degrees in Bible and Church Ministries here. He realized that this isn’t what he wanted to do, and decided to leave and go to Fresno. This was the first step on a journey that would lead him to where he is today.

When he was in Fresno, he decided to do door-to-door sales, and was quite successful at it. He made very good money, but he realized that he didn’t want to be doing this same thing in 10 years. He decided to take a little time to find out what it was that he wanted to do. Even though he explored many different areas, he ended up landing on podcasting, and he knew that’s what he wanted to be involved in for the rest of his life.

He spent time figuring out what he wanted his podcast to be about, and he found that he couldn’t think of any podcast that dealt with creating relationships and networks. He started “Build Your Network,” which is now consistently in the Top 25 Business Podcasts on iTunes. He’s also the Founder and CEO of Guestio which helps connect guests to content creators. He has done a lot not just with his own podcast but helps people grow and create their own podcasts. Working everyday at something he loves and is passionate about.


Travis Chappelle is one of my coaches, but he doesn’t only help me but has developed a service that helps all kinds of people every single day. First, though, Travis grew up in a very inclusive, small, and sheltered community in Lancaster, California. This is something that didn’t necessarily prepare him for the world, but he proceeded to thrive, nonetheless.

After his sheltered early years, he moved away to Fresno and started doing door-to-door sales. He learned much and thrived in this work, but he knew that it wasn’t what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He took a step back and really analyzed what he wanted and decided that he wanted to get into podcasting. He started “Build Your Network,” and to say that it did very well would be an understatement. It is consistently on iTunes’ Top 25 Business Podcasts, and it has allowed Travis to make connections with many incredible people.

From his experience on this podcast, he decided that it was time to create another network. One that connects high-level guests to high-level content creators. Guestio is just that. So not only did he create his own successful podcast, but he has developed a way for people to be successful in their podcasts.

In this Episode, we talk about:

  • Travis’ early life and how he overcame his sheltered childhood and thrived.

  • Looking to the future and how to know what you want and how to get there.

  • Working through rejection, and how it can actually make you more successful.

  • What it takes to live a life that no one else can live.

We appreciate you being with us today, Travis, it’s always good to see you. You can follow Travis at:


5:26 – 6:25

Thinking about the future. Are you happy where you’re at? In 10 years, do you think you are still going to be happy with that? Travis Chappell tells us about the moment that he decided that 23-year-old him decided to make a change because 33-year-old him needed something different.

7:40 – 8:53

Travis tells us about his struggle with trying to find out what it was that he wanted to do. He tried everything, and eventually found the one that would carry him through the rest of his life.

12:23 – 12:56

Having doors slammed in your face isn’t something that you want to do regularly. Travis tells us about how it happened all the time when he worked making door-to-door sales, but that he just brushed those off and kept moving. Wise words, not just for that job, but for life, too. When things go wrong, sometimes we just have to accept them for what they are and move onto the next one.

18:10 – 19:23

Being told “no.” It could be the most important part of being successful. Travis shares some words of wisdom gleaned from Guy Raz who says that handling rejection is the most common trait found in the most successful entrepreneurs.

21:57 – 22:46

Travis shares a statement that he uses everyday to motivate him to get up and get moving. Listen to what it is, and see if it motivates you, too.

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