You can ‘have it all’ but not feel satisfied at all. That’s what this podcast interview with David Waldy is about – how he changed his life through purposeful actions and thoughts to become the man he wanted to be and pursue the things he desired in life.

David Waldy is a Kansas farm boy, who had a happy childhood. Upon high school graduation, he rejected a full academic scholarship instead he pursued alternative education in leadership, ministry, and personal development training. This choice led him to excel in sales, ranking among the top 1% in a $400M annual revenue firm, and climbing to senior management. Yet, beneath this success, a sequence of deeply distressing experiences brought his mental, physical, and emotional well-being to the brink.

One day, a woman approached him, inquiring about his coaching experience, if there’s any. She then invited him to join a program worth $300k, offering it to him for free in exchange for his full commitment.

David underwent a profound process of resurrection. He recognized the need for certain aspects of himself to fade away while igniting new facets. His journey towards a purposeful life taught him that our actions fuel our existence, propelling life’s overall ignition.

Two ways that we can have transformational change in our lives:

Voluntary pain

  • This discomfort takes shape when you adhere to a standard of living regardless of emotions. Whether you’re unwilling to hit the gym or feel distant from your spouse, it’s about the standards you set, then you should do what you already set yourself in doing. 

Involuntary pain 

  • Unexpected events befall us, uninvited. Life’s arrival compels reflection, reevaluation, and essential transformations. Many alter their paths post such wake-up calls, like a cancer diagnosis from a doctor.

The following important points were discussed:  

  1. Purpose is nothing more than an action to be taken to create a specific result. 
  2. Most of us have the tendency of being able to resolve everyone else’s problem but our own.
  3. Nasty, ugly negative things turn into something beautiful if you decide, you commit and you become. 
  4. Ask the uncomfortable questions and speak the hard truth in love. 

Timestamps and highlights from the episode:

2:51 – 6:22

David shared his life as a farm boy in Kansas.

6:34 – 7:51

David shared that he grew up as an Evangelical Christian and had constant panic attacks.

8:17 – 19:34

One day a woman went to David’s church and approached him about coaching.  

19:55 – 23:14 

David shared what purpose really meant for him.

24:13 – 29:39

David shared that we are all interconnected in some way.

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